About Archmere
About Archmere

Archmere Academy History

在成为一所学校之前,皇冠博彩是约翰. 拉斯科布,他的妻子海伦娜·斯普林格·格林,还有他们的13个孩子. 在这处48英亩的房产中,有the Patio和the Manor, 拉斯科布的家和仆人的住处, respectively. Raskob sold his property to the Norbertine Fathers in 1932 and Archmere opened as a boarding and day school for boys that September. 皇冠博彩在1932年10月12日正式落成.

List of 5 items.

  • Our Founders: 1910-1931

    从1910年到1931年,皇冠博彩是约翰. 拉斯科布,他的妻子海伦娜·斯普林格·格林,还有他们的13个孩子. Chairman of the Board of General Motors and Vice President in charge of finance for the DuPont Company, Raskob was recognized as one of the most successful and influential financiers of his time.

    Between 1916 and 1918, 拉斯科布一家在他们48英亩的土地上建造了一座精致的家, The Patio, a fine example of Italianate, Renaissance architecture, and Manor Hall, a servants' quarters. 拉斯科布一家住在皇冠博彩的时候,家里热闹非凡. 在1928年总统竞选期间, 皇冠博彩是民主党全国委员会多次开会的地点. Raskob was campaign manager for the party's presidential nominee, Governor Al Smith of New York.
  • 在教育上留下印记:1932-1957

    The history of Archmere as a college preparatory school began in the spring of 1932 when Bernard Pennings, Abbot of the Norbertine Order, made the risky decision to purchase the Raskobs' Delaware River Estate for $400,000, of which $100,拉斯科布一家原谅了他. In the spring of 1932, Rev. Michael McKeough, O.Praem. 被任命为学校的第一任校长. 另外三个诺伯丁人和三个门外汉也加入了神父的行列. 由麦基奥教授组成的先锋队. The school opened in September with an enrollment of 22 students; 16 freshmen and 6 sophomores. 皇冠博彩在1932年10月12日正式落成, 由已故的威尔明顿主教埃德蒙·菲茨莫里斯主持. 皇冠博彩的成长是渐进的,但对弗瑞来说是非常令人满意的. McKeough. 到1933年,入学人数增加到50人,到1934年增加到72人.

    In the summer of 1936, Fr. 麦基奥的校长职位由牧师. Daniel Hurley, O.Praem., who faced the challenge of guiding the school through the uncertain years of the Depression and World War II. Yet as the enrollment continued to grow and minor changes were made to The Patio and The Manor to accommodate boarding students. In February 1939, 学校的第一座体育馆建成了, and by September 1940, 那座庄园已被改建为科学中心.

    20世纪30年代在皇冠博彩是战胜早期逆境的十年. Archmere entered the 1940s with a sense of confidence well founded on its successful, although infant, years. 在1945-46学年,疾病迫使Fr. Hurley to return to the Norbertine Abbey in West DePere, Wisconsin, and until September 1946, Fr. Roger Paider, O.Praem. served as Headmaster. At that time Rev. Justin Diny, O.Praem., 从1937年到1944年谁在这所学校教书, was recalled from Wisconsin to become the fourth Headmaster in Archmere's history. 在他担任校长的第一年. 迪尼决定巩固学校的运作, 把它变成一所严格意义上的四年制大学预科学校. The seventh grade was phased out during the 1946-47 school year and the eighth grade the following year. And still, enrollment continued to grow, nearly doubling the 1940-41 figure of 72. 皇冠博彩继续发展成为一所寄宿和走读的男孩学校.
  • 扩大校园和学生人数:1957-1979

    1957年10月12日,皇冠博彩社区庆祝成立25周年. 作为纪念活动的一部分,人们为圣. Norbert Hall. 它于1959年11月8日落成. Still further construction was required to meet the needs of an increasing student body, and in 1967 the Field House was opened and plans were made for a dedicated science facility. By the end of the 60s, the student body reached 394 (including a noticeable number of sons of alumni) and faculty members numbered 26 (eight Norbertines and 18 laymen.)

    The Justin E. 迪尼科学中心于1973年10月28日落成. The classrooms and laboratories contain facilities in the disciplines of physics, chemistry, 生物与环境科学. The old science laboratory, The Manor, 都献给了艺术, 20世纪70年代的一个扩展项目,其中包括学校的合唱团, band, 戏剧和工作室艺术节目.

    In 1975, facilities for boarding students were discontinued and for the first time in its history, 皇冠博彩成了一所全日制学校. Archmere announced its decision to become a co-educational institution beginning in September of 1975. 50名年轻女性成为372名学生中的一员. 阿克米尔的姑娘们的出现立刻产生了影响. During the latter part of the 1970s, the school saw the need to establish a Board of Trustees. 董事会于1980年6月16日举行了第一次会议.
  • Growth & Change: 1980-2003

    20世纪80年代是增长和变化的年代. By 1982, major advancements in curriculum and extracurricular activities were underway. When Rev. Joseph McLaughlin, O’Praem. became Headmaster in 1983, the continued expansion of programs in the arts and the enthusiasm of the students for their new opportunities made plain to the Board of Trustees that the school’s facilities were inadequate to meet the demands of an eager, energetic administration, faculty and student body. At the same time, 其他课程的进步——新的计算机科学课程, the Writing Center, and a broader program in languages – all augmented the pressure to update and enlarge Archmere’s facilities.
    The result was approval by the Trustees to convert some present facilities in St. Norbert Hall to entirely new uses and to construct a major addition to the building. 图书馆太小,容纳不了学生群体的需要, 但它将为计算机实验室提供合适的空间, faculty offices, 以及语言系的辅导服务, The auditorium, now also too small to seat all the students and faculty and too confined for the scale of recent drama productions, 能否方便地在两层楼里建一个新的图书馆和媒体中心. 新建筑将建造一个可容纳700人的剧院/礼堂. Manor Hall, shared by both art & 音乐专业的学生,完全可以从事视觉艺术方面的工作.
    3月17日,Abbott Neitzel为这个项目破土动工, 1982年,新建筑群于1983年秋天完工. More than half of the student body became involved in the music and drama programs, 创建一个音乐会乐队和合唱团, 一个被称为“大师歌手”的精选合唱团和一个舞台乐队.
    Since 1982, Archmere’s student body has gradually grown to approximately 500 students. 这些学生受到大学预备课程的挑战, 由45名全职教师和8名兼职教师指导. Over the course of the 1990’s, Archmere experienced significant advancements in curriculum as well as athletics. 在皇冠博彩的历史上, students could participate in over 30 clubs and activities as well as 25 athletic teams.
    In 1997, Rev. Timothy Mullen, O.Praem. ’65 became the school’s sixth Headmaster and the first alumnus to serve in this capacity. 20世纪90年代也见证了技术的巨大发展. The campus was completely networked so that technology could be integrated into classroom instruction, The Writing Center and Computer Lab as well as the Science Labs have all been updated to keep pace with the demands of current technology. In the summer of 1998, the A.V. Room of the Library was converted into a high-tech Computer Multi-Media Center through a generous grant from the Longwood Foundation.
  • 展望未来,有坚实的基础:2004-至今

    Sadly, on January 29, 2004, Fr. 马伦意外去世. Michael Collins, O.Praem. 1968年被任命为皇冠博彩第七任校长. Fr. Collins served Archmere as Headmaster from February 11, 2004 until June 30, 2004.

    2004年7月1日,董事会选择了Rev. John C. Zagarella, O.Praem. 作为皇冠博彩第八任校长. Fr. Zagarella was delighted and excited to be a part of Archmere’s first capital campaign in over 20 years. 阿克米尔战役:建造任务 & 遗产是在2003年秋天宣布的. 该运动的目标包括完成贾斯汀E. Diny Science Center, with a media center and two-story physics lab for hands-on learning; the construction of a Student Life Center, 校园餐饮、礼拜区和卫生室在哪里, guidance and counseling suite; renovations to the Gym’s ground floor (women’s and men’s lockers, fitness center and coaches offices); and athletic field refurbishments. Under Fr. Zagarella's leadership, 皇冠博彩恢复了与代尔斯福德修道院的关系, ensuring continued support for Archmere's mission as a Catholic school in the Norbertine tradition. On July 28, 2006, Fr. 麦克劳克林又当上了校长,完成了余下的四年. Zagarella’s term; he had been serving as chaplain at Archmere since 2001.

    After Fr. McLaughlin indicated that he would not be available in 2010 for another term as headmaster, 校董会进行了一次遴选,并选择了Dr. Michael A. Marinelli, ‘76, to serve as Archmere’s tenth Headmaster, beginning on July 1, 2010. 1984年至1996年,他曾担任Archmere的开发总监. Since taking office, 迈克尔监督了招生办公室的搬迁, Advancement, and Headmaster to The Patio.

    Archmere is never at rest. 然而阿克米尔的变化越大, the more it has remained dynamically in tune with the adventurous Christian spirit that led to its birth back in 1932. Archmere has blossomed and matured through the years precisely because of the people of Archmere, both Norbertine and lay, have never, 无论是在动荡时期还是在平静时期, 与校训中体现的传统失去了联系, 信仰源于知识.
Archmere Academy is a private, Catholic, college preparatory co-educational academy,